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Renew Church leaders:
Rob Skutevik
Brenda Skutevik

Director of Children's Ministries

Keith Easty

Elder and Small Group Pastor

Jesse Stinski

Worship Pastor and Elder

Christian Skutevik

Youth Pastor

Matthew O'Connor

Our Mission

Our Mission is to bring hope to the world!


2 Cor. 5:17 Anyone in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; all things become new.

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

Here is how we do it! God placed this focus of “new” on our hearts, we see over and over with our God that no matter how broken, bad, how hopeless things may seem, with our God there is always Hope, nothing is beyond His reach and God loves to make all things new! So, we have 4 simple, basic things ways we measure this by in our community. 


New Starts! 
That is exactly what happens when people enter a loving, gospel centered community and hear and experience the good news of the gospel and receive the new life Jesus has for them by faith, they are born again, changed, certainly by God’s grace become better than before as God changes us. We are given a New Start! (2 Cor. 5:17, John 3:3) 

New Stories! 

People that know Jesus, who truly encounter His Spirit, submit to His words, who are in a healthy Christ centered community, their lives get changed, set free from sin, addiction, set free from things that bring us into bondage and destroy our lives, things are restored, healed, marriages are restored, families are restored, God changes us, sanctifies us. These stories happen often in small group and loving church community!


New Growth! 

Healthy churches and believers understand we never stop growing, whether you are 8 or 80 we never stop growing in faith, in knowledge, in our gifts, grow in love for God and others, and we grow the most by putting into practice what we know by serving and using our gifts! 

New Faces! 

We Grow to Go!!! Jesus sent his disciples on mission, to the high-ways and by-ways, to preach the good news of the gospel, to go make disciples! The call is to go! A mature believer whose heart is being changed by God and loves people will certainly have a heart to reach the lost. We want to see new people, New Faces who have never heard the Gospel entering our community, New Faces are a sign of a healthy church, a church on mission!!!

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