Ignite Youth Ministry
Ages 12-18
Christian Skutevik and Gabby Skutevik
Contact Number
When and Where
Wednesdays at 6 O'clock
At Renew Church (521 131st Ave W, Duluth)
A Bit About us
Ignite Youth Ministries is a group is for ages 12 and up, and focuses on a community for our youth within our church. We will meet during the Saturday night church service and the Wednesday night small groups. We will often talk about values and virtues and how to apply them to everyday life. We will have snacks and games every week. The goal is to grow in our relationships with each other and strengthen our faith. We would love for you to join us!
Mission The Mission of Ignite Youth is to imitate the early church we read about in Acts 2:46-47. There we learn that the church was growing daily because they met daily living together and with sincere hearts praising God. We hope to follow the early church’s lead and see God’s kingdom grow through our diligent serving, praising, and loving with one another in one accord(Philippians 2:1-2).
Vision We will use our relationships to represent and point others toward Christ. Through serving God and others we will develop deeper connections and grow together.
1 John 4:8 declares that God is love, and so if we desire to be like God, with God, representing God, and serving God then we must live a life of love. Specifically we must live a life of deep love that continues throughout our daily lives toward one another.
We deem it to be essential that we grow both by deepening our inward relationships with God(Hebrews 6:1) and by increasing the number of those gathering with us. After all a true mark of a believer is one who seeks after the lost. We read this clearly in both the parable of the lost sheep(Matthew 18:12-14) and in the great commission(Matthew 28:18-20).
If Jesus Christ the Son of God who walked on water, raised people from the dead, and defeated sin through his own victory over death offered himself up as servant for others, how much more should we? Thus we will aim to imitate the life of Christ by spending everyday by acting out God’s command in 1 Peter 4:10 which commands us saying “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”
The anchor of Ignite Youth will be our unity. Without unity we are capable of nothing, but together in one accord(Philippians 2:1-2)l will diligently seek after our lord and savior. Romans 15:5-6 teaches us that it is through the unity of the church that we are able to glorify God. “...so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Furthermore we must emphasize that these connections be continued daily between each one of us together, us and the rest of Renew Church, the broader church throughout the world, and those outside of God’s church.
Ignite Youth Leaders

Christian Skutevik